Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dissecting a C Application or Step by Step Composition Techniques for Digital Photographers

Dissecting a C# Application: Inside SharpDevelop

Author: Christain Holm

Learn advanced .NET programming techniques by getting an insiders' look at a complete application!

SharpDevelop is a complete Integrated Development Environment, written in C#. It includes all the advanced features that programmers expect from a modern IDE and, of course, implementing these features has required some advanced programming techniques.

The developers who created SharpDevelop give you an inside track on application development with a guided tour of the sourcecode for SharpDevelop. They will show you the most important code features and explain how you can use these techniques in your own projects. You will gain valuable experience of building an application on this scale, learning from the decisions, mistakes, problems and solutions that lead to the current version on SharpDevelop.

The SharpDevelop team will show you how to:

  • Build a highly modular application
  • Provide a flexible, extendable, customizable user interface
  • Manage the efforts of translators for effcient internationalization
  • Represent and manipulate text efficiently
  • Code search and replace functionality
  • Construct reusable controls
  • Implement a parser to provide syntax highlightingauto-completion as users type
  • Use reflection to access information about .NET classes
  • Create a Windows Forms designer
  • Generate code programmatically

    All of these techniques are shown in the context of the source of the SharpDevelop application - a real piece of software that you can download and user yourself. This means that there are no 'toy' examples or theory that will not work in practice - just solid, real-world code and frank discussions of how it was created.

    Table of Contents:
    Chapter 1: Features at a Glance
    Chapter 2: Designing the Architecture
    Chapter 3: Implementing the Core
    Chapter 4: Building the Application with Add?ins
    Chapter 5: Providing Functionality with Workspace Services
    Chapter 6: The User Interface
    Chapter 7: Internationalization
    Chapter 8: Document Management
    Chapter 9: Syntax Highlighting
    Chapter 10: Search and Replace
    Chapter 11: Writing the Editor Control
    Chapter 12: Writing the Parser
    Chapter 13: Code Completion and Method Insight
    Chapter 14: Navigating Code with the Class Scout and the Assembly Scout
    Chapter 15: The Designer Infrastructure
    Chapter 16: mplementing a Windows Forms Designer
    Chapter 17: Code Generation

    Book about: Commercializzazione di servizi: La gente, tecnologia, strategia

    Step-by-Step Composition Techniques for Digital Photographers: Learn to Capture More Dramatic and Appealing Images

    Author: Ernst Wildi

    This series of step-by-step guides acquaints amateur digital photographers with the full spectrum of techniques and technology they need to attain the professional edge in digital imaging. The manuals offer a clear, no-nonsense approach to teaching basic skills, such as understanding the basic functions of the digital camera and how to arrange a photograph artistically, while more experienced photographers will profit from the guides that focus on complex issues, including effective posing and lighting strategies, color and image balancing methods, and design techniques for perfecting the digital image in Adobe Photoshop Elements.

    This thorough composition guide details the various components involved in composing a professional-looking, artistically arranged photograph. Basic elements of photography, different image formats and backgrounds, and the importance of color and image balance are discussed along with tips on subject placement, such as using attention-grabbing elements and naturally existing lines to help a scene or subject look its best. How to keep the image simple and improve backgrounds post-capture are also reviewed.

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